Saturday, October 31, 2009

Whats going on? :S This is weird.. (2 things)?

I am 16 years old and I just finished my period a few days ago.. But today when i wiped myself I found traces of blood. This is gonna sound so gross and weird (but I dont care because its MY body) but I got a small mirror anc checked myself out. There are no cuts or anything, and i can still see my hymen (so its rupture cannot be the cause). So what could it be? And no I cannot be pregnant, I am a virgin.But something else caught my eye. The hymen is supposed to be attached to the lower part of the vagina right? (as in towards the anus).. There was something else poking out of the other end, the one towards the clitoris. It LOOKED like the same material as the hymen but it was bigger and kinda poked out of the vagina, so I don't think its a septate hymen. What is that? ;S
Go see your doctor, ASAP. There shouldn't be anything poking out of your vagina. If you tell the appointment maker over the phone that it's an emergency, that you see something hanging outside of yourself, they'll get you in that day. (Oh, and there's probably nothing wrong with you...your vagina is a wondrous cleansing machine and is awfully adept at flushing out anything that doesn't belong. But still...)
It is normal to still have traces of blood left over after your period initially ends. The other question I don't know what you mean?
Yu werent finished with your period and tell your mother

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