Saturday, October 31, 2009

Whats a cure for hearburn i can find around the house?

somone said vinigar one time does it really work?
Baking sodaHeartburn is caused by excess acid. Vinegar is acidic, will just make it worse.Level tablespoon, (depending on your weight) in a 12 oz glass of water. Stir, drink, ahhhh...relief!
no haha...I always drink just a ton of water
7up with baking soda
Baking soda
That depends on what you have around your house. Ginger works.
a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water . works like a charm.
What the heck are "hearburn" and "vinigar"?
Milk or Baking Soda in water. Good Luck!
Yep, vinegar burns going down but it does the trick. Anything with lots of calcium may do good, too...You can also just... not eat or drink what gives you heartburn.
Ginger tea. Chop up some Ginger and boil it in hot water and drink it. If its too strong for you mix up with some honey.
Another vote for baking soda. But I think it better for you to just drink a lot of water.
Vinegar and baking soda mixed. The fizz beaks up the gas that is causing the heart burn.
Try this site there are several. Most of them do mention the vinegar you asked about.
Soda is alkaline, the enemy of acid. Try a little (Baking) soda in a glass of water. Stir it, of course. If it persists - see a doctor. Vinegar? Crikeys! That IS acid.
baking soda and watervinegar is used to see if your not producing enough acid.
take one tsp. of vinegar and swallow it , if your stomach settles down and heartburn goes away you may not be producing enough acid to digest your food properly
Pepto Bizmol.... if you have it. Nausea, HEARTBURN, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, Hey Pepto Bizmol! LMAO! Wtf?
I'd buy fire-proof And when your ears stop burning, go back to school for capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. I think third grade would be a good start.
mixing baking soda with water will help for sure...may make you burp! Also, milk may help decrease the acidity in your stomach. Wait a few hours after eating before you lay down, but if you do keep your head elevated. This will prevent the acid in your stomach from coming up into the esophagus...which causes heart burn.
Milk or ICE CREAM!!
Treat Heartburn with DGL Licorice: DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice is an excellent natural alternative to antacids. Licorice has been shown to stimulate the protective mechanisms of the stomach. It stimulates growth of protective mucosal cells, providing a protection from corrosive stomach acids. In addition to treating heartburn, licorice also inhibits the growth of potentially harmful intestinal bacteria.
Treat Heartburn with DGL Licorice: DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice is an excellent natural alternative to antacids. Licorice has been shown to stimulate the protective mechanisms of the stomach. It stimulates growth of protective mucosal cells, providing a protection from corrosive stomach acids. In addition to treating heartburn, licorice also inhibits the growth of potentially harmful intestinal bacteria.Treat Heartburn with Slippery Elm: Slippery elm, of the elm tree family, contains a gel-like subtance called mucileg that helps coat the throat. When you have heartburn, eat all natural slippery elm lozenges for fast relief.Treat Heartburn with Aloe Vera Juice: The aloe vera plant has been used for ages due to its natural healing qualities. Europeans have traditionally used aloe vera juice as a remedy for heartburn.Treat Heartburn by Avoding Eating Before Bedtime: Your stomach may not be able to have enough time to digest your foods before you sleep. In addition, laying down may make it easier for stomach acids to come back into your esophagus, which will cause heartburn.Treat Heartburn by Avoding Triggers: Many specific types of food can cause heartburn. Avoid foods that you notice trigger heartburn and also avoid alcohol, spicy foods, fatty foods, citrus fruits, carbonated beverages etc. (refer to the list of common hearburn causes above).
Lying on your left side can help relieve heartburn. It keeps the stomach below the esophagus, helping to keep it acid-free.Sip 1 Tbsp of raw apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water while eating a meal. Don't drink any other liquids with meals.Try Raw Potatoe juice. Don't peel the potatoe just wash it and put it in the juicer; mix it with equal amounts of water. Drink immediately.Papaya seeds work wonders with digestion as well.
First of all, Know yourself. Second, check your diet. Third, since this is the Alternative Medicine section -- if yours is an on-going problem, see a physician, especially an N.D.(Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine).These aside, go to the Mint Family of plants. Specific to your condition would be the Peppermint, and especially the great Spearmint.
Heartburn is felt as a burning sensation behind the sternum or in the epigastrium. This is probably the result of regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus and irritation by the hyperacid contents causing burning sensation behind the sternum. This is associated with water brash and pyrosis.Acidity cause reflex hyper secretion of alkaline saliva, which collects in the esophagus and is subsequently regurgitated in to the mouth without any effort for vomiting. This is commonly associated with duodenal ulcer.Some people are more susceptible than others to acidity and heartburn as they have problem in digesting some foods.Normally the stomach secretes an acid, which is essential for the digestion. This acid helps in the breakdown of the food. When there is excessive secretion of this acid by the stomach it results in heartburn.Pregnant women suffer from heartburn as the uterus presses on the digestive tract as the fetus grows. Increased acidity with regurgitation causes some amount of oesophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), which increases the sensitiveness. Acidity causes reflex increased secretion of alkaline saliva, which accumulates in the esophagus and is rushed into the mouth without any sensation of vomiting.HOME REMEDIES FOR HEARTBURN
* Almonds are also a good source for relieving the heartburn and acidity. Eat several almonds when heartburn symptoms persist.
* Lemons also help to prevent heartburn. Cut a lemon into thin strips and dip in salt. Eat before meals to prevent heartburn.
* Take some mint leaves and chop these and then boil in a cup of water and sip slowly after meals. If a person drinks Fresh mint juice every day he will never experience acidity.
* Jaggery or gur taken after every meal also helps to reduce the acidity. Keep a piece of gur in the mouth and slowly suck it till acidity decreases.
* Eating bananas is also helpful in preventing the symptoms of acidity and heartburn. To prevent acidity it is advised to eat a banana daily.
* A mixture of 2 tsp of natural apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp raw honey in a glass of water before meals fights with acidity.
* Basil (tulsi) leaves helps to get relief from burning, nausea and gas. Chew some leaves of tulsi to decrease the acidity.
* Coconut water 4-5 times a day decreases the symptoms of the acidity and the heartburn.
* Harad (Terminalia chebula) if taken after every meal prevents the symptoms of the acidity.
* 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice helps to prevent acidity and heartburn.
* Boil one cup of water. To this add 1 tsp of Aniseed (Saunf). Cover and leave overnight. Strain the water in the morning, add 1 tsp of honey. When this is taken 3 times a day it prevents acidity.
* To 1 陆 liters of water add 1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera). Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Sip while warm. Take this liquid 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days. It will decrease the acidity.
* Take a glass of water, add a pinch of baking soda and drink it. It gives immediate relief from acidity.
* Take a glass of warm water, add a pinch of hing (asafoetida) and have it every morning to prevent acidity.
* Never smoke before or while eating. Smoking often causes one to swallow small amounts of air, which form air pockets in the digestive tract with the added pressure of food.
* Go for a small walk after eating, which will help stimulate the digestive system.
* Refrain from consuming alcohol, caffeine, over-the-counter pain relievers, and other stimulants.
* Increase more fibre in your diet. This will naturally helps to relieve the future suffering. Bulk foods help to absorb excess acid and gas, and allow your body to rid itself of toxins more quickly.
* Drink 8-10 glasses of water.
* Put a tablespoon of baking soda into a cup of water and mix it good then drink it.
* Keep 10-15 raisins in your mouth. Do not chew. Let them be there. Swallow the saliva secreted. Burning sensation will stop in about 5 minutes.
* Eat lots of raw broccoli to kill heartburn.
* Mix a little bit of salt and sugar on your hand and eat it.
* Take one teaspoon of mustard if you have heartburn or indigestion.
* Chewing bubble-gum also disappears the acidity. This is an easy and best way to get rid of Acidity.
* For heartburn drink a teaspoon of vinegar. It is because there is not sufficient acid in our stomach to digest food properly, thus gasses come back up and burn our stomach.
* Calcium also helps to fight with the heartburn and acidity. Yoghurt or ice-cream gives immediate relief from acidity and heartburn.
* After food maintain an upright posture to prevent the reflex and to prevent the symptoms of acidity.
* Sleep with your head and shoulder on a high pillow for elevation.
* Do not skip meals. Do not keep large gap between meals. This produces gas / wind.
* Eat dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed.
A teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.Follow up with some peppermint tea to cool the stomach if it is still burning. If just sore and nauseous, make a tea of crushed ginger and hot water with honey.
Depending on your blood type, vinegar might work for you. But, it must be organic raw apple cider vinegar-Braggs is a great brand that contains what is known as "the mother". If you are blood type A-as I am-your body does not digest well, especially protein.The heartburn you feel is actually gasses being formed from undigested food.Vinegar is an acid and will help in the digestive process. It works beautifully for me and it comes with many other healthy benefits as well. Good luck!
Believe it or not straight lemon juice. Heartburn occurs due to acid production in the gut. If you take an ounce of straight lemon juice your stomach will shut off its on production of acid. It works almost immediately.

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