Saturday, October 31, 2009

What type of chinese or indian herbs are good for energy?

Most herbs that are "good for energy" work by constricting the blood vessels. They raise your blood pressure. Exercise, on the other hand, gives you energy and increases your metabolism by dilating the blood vessels and moving more blood and oxygen through the body.The following website has a list of herbs and vitamins (which may be useful if you have a deficiency), but proper diet, exercise, and rest will give you more energy and keep you healthier in the long run.
ginseng is supposed to be good for energy (never worked for me, though)
Exrercise and eat right. Don't try to scam the system.
For energy I take these: like these because they work and I prefer not to take chinese herbs in a "western" formula where they use ephedra for energy when it is really for asthma.Astragalus and ginseng in a traditional chinese herbal formula is best.
ginseng, ashwangandha
people who don't have enough energy are people don't have enough rest, sleep or food. try massage therapy, it works
There is a product called Corenergy ingredients are Cordyceps Mushrooms,Asian Ginseng,Green Tea Extract.Supports body's ability to maintain energy and resist everyday fatigue.

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