Saturday, October 31, 2009

Whats the connection between too much folic acid and thyroid disease?

if you know any health websites that deal with natural medicine alternative medicine that would be really good
It is helps.
come on people answer this question.I need an answer too.

What's the best way to boost energy when you're feeling under the weather?

Had a cold for about two weeks and just feel fried.
sanatogen gold A to Z worked for me!
pro plus
I always drink lucozade when I'm feeling like that, its helps me a lot.
drink orange juice and possibly go on a walk to the park.and don't eat turkey if you are tired becasue it will put you to sleep.and if you want to have a really really good sleep, eat some turket and drink some milk because the calcium in milk will regulate you sleeping pattern and the compounds in turkey will put you right to sleep..
drink alot of gatorade
simple remedy before going to bed warm up some lemonade
add a decent amout of scotch whisky add a spoonfull of sugar and a spoonful of lemon juice you will sleep the sleep of the pure and just,and wake up with a zing in your step
Go outside 4 a walk %26 some fresh air %26 sunshine (ok 2day mite not be a good day 4 sunshine). Seriously tho, fresh air %26 sunlight have both been proven to be revitilizing %26 a pick me up.
I recommend a multi vitamin tablet, and you can choose one which is best suited to your age. Also, lots of fruit and vegetables, and drink lots of fluid, which could be water, or 100% fruit juice. Try to exercise even when you don't feel like it, as you feel better afterwards, and especially after walking or cycling in the fresh air. Or better still, get a dog or borrow someone else's dog, and walk in the fresh air briskly! If you experience heavy periods, or PMT then you could also benefit from taking iron in capsule form or Folic Acid from your doctor. If all else fails, go to see your doctor for a blood test, as you may be suffering from anaemia which makes you feel very run down and lethargic. If you prefer to go through the holistic route, you could try looking in your local health shop for alternative medicines, to improve your immune system. Good luck.
vitamin C and chicken noodle soup
drinking water and eating fruit. sometimes having a full stomach can make you have less energy, eat small healthy meals regular. Also .'well women' vitimins are very good, they also control you homones too. I took them after having a baby they helped give me energy to get on with things. they are 拢6 but worth it. Doing something which make you feel good about yourself would also give you a boost.
You should get your doctor to do a blood test, and check your iron level; if it's a bit on the low side, that could explain your fatigue.If all is well with the blood test, it may just be that you need to eat more healthily. Try cutting out bread; I usually find that doing that increases my energy.
just take best defense, it has standardized echinacea, 1000mg of vitamin c, and zinc for immune boosting properties. Just go to and search for it. My friend got sick on purpose to see if it works, and after taking it for 2 days, his cold is completely cured. I can help you get some because i am a distributor.
The herbal remedy - Bio-Strath Elixir.described as a 'herbal yeast formula as an aid during convalescence and a gentle pick-me-up and help the symptoms of fatigue.. specifically strenthens resistance, accelerates recovery following illness and helps to regain and sustain health'I myself have used this and a few of my friends, we've all had good results with it when we've been unwell. Costs around 拢7.99 a bottle, which isnt bad really since you only need it once and a while. You take 1 spoonful 3 times a day till you're up and running again, it just taste like orange.Hope you're feeling better soon!
Immune Alert.It is an immune booster that really helps your body do the job of staying healthy. My family takes it and loves it.Get a free trial at

Whats the best way to avoid nerves?

Some people use rescue remedy a herbal thing, or try deep breathing!A medical remedy is valium or beta blockers see your GP!
Heroin avoid doing what to/with/for/about nerves? Do you mean how to avoid feeling nervous? Or how to avoid injuring a nerve?
i find cammomile tea or herbal tea does the trick!
i have even cut down on coffee as i was a heavy coffee drinker!
take a pleasant walk when its a nice day..the country side should do our lungs a lot of good!
Do not put yourself in the situations that cause them..but also drink lots of water and take a full range B-100 vitamin that will help your nerve endings stay closed...learn to deal with stress thru self relaxation tecniques and know yourself well enough to be able to calm yourself down no matter what happens...knowledge is one can avoid nerves they are a part of us..but you can control them thru diet and exercise...when you have a really go workout you get endorpins which make you feel more relaxed and less nervous, avoid the high energy drinks, caffene, stimuliants, any high stress movies or situations that cause high running nerves...B vitamins take a few days to start to work but they are great at giving you energy and calming you down. Also valerian root, mixed with wild lettuce, unicorn root and chamomile are all soothing herbs...lavender bath is also soothing...think calm thoughts and play calming all helps...and when your are in a situation...tell yourself this too shall helps too...
think positive!
tell yourself you are the best and can do it! Believe it! rescue remedy - herbal drops/ spraylavender oiltake deep breaths take a long baththink about other things (happy things)take vitamin B, st johns wart, magnesium
Aviod nervous situations
I assume you mean to avoid getting nervous. In that case, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is fantastic. It's a non-invasive, drug-free technique you can learn very quickly and use yourself whenever you start feeling anxious or stressed. See for more info - there's a free instruction manual to download, DVDs to buy (very good value!), and a list of practitioners if you want to go to a professional. The AAMET website also has a list of EFT practitioners.

What's the best solution for a migraine besides medicine?

Lay in a dark room with a cool damp cloth over your face. take deep breaths and lightly massage area of pain (temples eyes, sinus's)
LSD my brutha from anotha mutha
Feverfew EXTRACT or tea, taken once daily should prevent them. Takes about 2-3 weeks to start having effect. Also find out by process of elimination what is triggering them. Some usual culprits are cheese, red wine (possibly the sulfites), coffee, certain chocolates, msg, overripe fruit, lunchmeat (sulfites again).There are some homeopathic remedies made by Boerik %26 Toeffel and Boiron and Hyland's that have a good reputation.
A cool dark room. No noise. And a cool wet wash cloth on your forhead and face. This will hopefully allow you to go to sleep.
Try "craniosacral" therapy, I've gotten migraines since the 3rd grade, I had a craniosacral session while I was in massage school (had to write a paper on an alternative therapy) Afterward, it was 6 months before I had another migraine. I didn't even get the "migraine is coming..." feeling during those 6 months.
Find a certified craniosacral therapist, one who has been practicing for a while. Check the yellow pages, or call a local massage school for a referral. It may or may not work for you, I can't promise it will work, but it's worth a shot. Cost will vary depending on your location, going rates, etc. I paid $60 for an hour session and it was well worth it.
- Feverfew herbal supplements- Acupuncture- Reduce stress triggers through relaxationMore remedy ideas can be found here
putting your hands and or feet in hot water.
There is a new development in migraine therapy:
Try taking a shower in very warm water. When you get out, drink some chamomile tea (this is especially helpful if you get nauseau with your migraines.) and lay down in a cool, dark room.To prevent them, try daily feverfew extract. You can find it in many health stores and even some grocery stores' natural food section. There are instructions on the bottle on how to take it safely.
Try smoking some marijuana... its great for migraines, i have a buddy that has a prescription for it because of migraines...if you cant smoke it, there are medical marijuana shops that sell it in various forms, such as popcorn, snacks, food. for people that dont want to smoke it...
Peppermint oil is wonderful for head aches. Apply a few drops to your finger an rub it into your temples. You can also put a little under your nose so you smell it.
Works WONDERS on head aches!
Wet a face towel, fold it neatly and stick it in a ziplock baggie. Freeze it. (I always have a couple in my freezer.) Then if you have a sinus attack or migrane, put it on your face.

What's the best remedy, or home remedy, for food poisoining?

And for the upset stomach?
throwing up and loose bowel movements will be the remedy as, the body will get rid of the toxins.upset stomach - prevention is the key here...what did you eat to cause upset stomach? - dont eat it again.i hope you feel better.
I would say just to take it easy, relax, and drink plenty of fluids, time is sometimes the only cure, and for the upset tummy i would say pepto bismol, or tums, or something like that. drinking tea may help as well
try to trout up everything get your finger in there and get all the stuff out after you feel that you trough up everything get some 7up or sprite real cold and zip it that would settle down your stomach
Staphylococcus or E. coli is one of the commonest bacteria which results in food poisoning. Due to improper handling, this kind of a contamination happens. Even though it is a very common condition it can get worse depending on the degree of contamination. Some common foods which can cause food poisoning if proper care is not taken are raw poultry, unpasteurized milk, red meat, poisonous mushrooms, pesticides on fruits and vegetables, egg and raw egg products, raw meat and water.The symptoms are so mild that we hardly register it in our minds. The symptoms develop within one hour or it may show up within 12-48 hours. It lasts for more than two days but, depending on its seriousness it may take around a week to recover.
You may have bouts of vomiting, abdominal cramps and pain, diarrhea and similar other pains. HOME REMEDIES: FOOD POISONING
* Avoid eating when suffering with food poisoning
* Drink good amount of fluids except milk products, caffeine and carbonated products
* Avoid sugary fluids and drink more of electrolyte
* Eat plain bread, as it soaks the poison to provide relief
* Have 1/4 cup of activated charcoal powder with a glass of water to subside the symptoms. If it doesn鈥檛 work within the first half-hour continue till you get complete relief.
* Consume garlic as it detoxifies the intestine and destroys the bacteria in lower digestive tract.
* After your meals you can drink a cup of ginger tea for good digestion, heartburn and nausea.
* Mix three drops of garlic oil in 1/2 cup soya oil. Rub this mixture after your meals on the stomach to provide relief.
* Mix 3-4 drops of mint essence in water and drink it every hour. You can also drink jaljeera (a mixture of asafetida, cumin, salt and water) 2-3 times a day.
* Make a mixture by mixing one tablespoon lemon juice or cider vinegar in a cup of hot water. Drink it before your meals to prevent any acidic problems.
* Keep the patient in bed and give nothing by mouth as long as the nausea and vomiting persist.
* As the vomiting subsides, give sips of some warm drink, such as tea, barley or rice water.
* Gentle heat may be applied to the stomach to relieve spasm or pain and also the tendency to vomit.
* Wash your hands before preparing food to avoid passing on bacteria such as staphylococcus (commonly found on the skin and in the throat) or shigella (passed from fecal matter). Wash again after handling raw meat and eggs.
* Don't eat raw protein food like fish, fowl, meat, milk, or eggs. Avoid sushi, oysters on the half shell, Caesar salad made with raw eggs, and unpasteurized eggnog. Don't use cracked eggs.
* Don't taste test the raw pork sausage stew, the fish chowder, or even the cookie batter before it's done.
* Don't let raw meat juice drip onto other food. It can taint otherwise harmless food.
* Don't leave food at room temperature for more than two hours, and avoid eating anything that you suspect may have been unrefrigerated for that long.
* Don't taste any food that doesn't smell or look right.
* Drink fluids as much you can to combat the loss of fluids.
* Scrub counters with warm, soapy water and bleach to combat countertop bacteria.
* Use a plastic cutting board instead of a wooden one. Be sure to thoroughly clean the cutting board after you've finished using it.
* Avoid foods that are fried, smoked or salty as well as raw vegetables, pastries, preserves, candies, alcohol and spices and condiments.
* Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice or cider vinegar in a cup of hot water before a meal to prevent acid indigestion.
* Add three drops of garlic oil to half a cup of Soya oil and rub onto the stomach after food.
* Drink a herbal tea of mint, raspberry, chamomile and blackberry.
* Drink one cup of ginger tea after meals to promote a good digestion and for heartburn, nausea, etc.
* Cooking utensils and plates, as well as sponges and dishcloths that were used in the food preparation process, should also be cleaned appropriately.
* Grind a lemon along with seeds and make a paste. Add some salt. Take 1 tsp of this paste 2-3 times.
* Drink 1/2 tsp of dry ginger (saunth powder in 1 cup buttermilk (chhachh) 3 - 4 times a day.
* Chew a few pieces of the inner lining of pomegranate with salt, and/or drink pomegranate juice.
* Prepare a mixture by ading 1 Tbsp poppy seeds, 1 tsp edible gum, 1 tsp cardamom powder, 1/2 tsp nutmeg (jaiphal) powder, and2 tbs sugar, and grind to a powder. Take this powder every 2 hours.
* Prepare a mixture by adding 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice, and 1/4 tsp pepper powder and drink it.
* Mix 5-6 chopped basil (tulsi) leaves, 1/4 tsp sea salt, and some black pepper in 3 Tbsp of curd, and eat it. Repeat this 4 times a day for one week.
* Roast 1/2 tsp cumin (jeera) seeds and 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds (dana methi). Mix and powder it, add to 4 tsp of yogurt (curd). Take thrice a day.
* Grate one raw papaya. Add 3 cups water, boil for 10 mins, strain and finish the water in one day.
The very BEST remedy for food poisoning and upset stomach is: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL.---- It will actually absorb intestinal bacteria, and get rid of it!
Take 12 capsules, or 10 tablets, or 2 TBSP powder(in water). You will feel so much beter in 30 min ---if not, repeat it. Do not take anything to reduce diarrhea.the charcoal will do it.
Activated Charcoal works--- but if you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or very weak from the loss of fluids and electrolytes--then you need to see a doctor, and possibly rcv IV replacement fluids if you have already lost alot.
P.S. I have taken Activated Charcoal, and it usually works for me in 1/2 hr to 1 hr. Amazing! Just don't take it within 2 hrs of medication, or the charcoal will absorb it also!
for food poisoning see a doctor you idiot

Whats the best releif for a scratchy throat and a stuffy nose?

thera-flu works well for me, its a powder you mix with warm water and it makes your throat and nasal passages feel better.also sometimes i like to take a hot bath or shower, it clears the sinus as well. sudafed works and it is non-drowsey. you could have allergies as well, so if none of those things work, you might need to get claritin or flo-nase
Throat spray is good and try a humidifier
Water! Ricola cough drops.
Well there are many things u could do, but the best thing to do would probably take some medicine. I know a medicine that works really well for both a sore throat and a stuffy nose. It is called Olbas. U can get it at the Vitamin Shoppe or the family vitamin store. If u can't find it there, then u cloud look on eBay or Google. I hope u get well soon!
Gargle warm salt water and take a hot shower breath in the steam and use a cool mist humidifier at night
echinacia w/ goldenseal .works wonders trust me

Whats the best over-the-counter sleep medicine?

Homeopathic Treatment for Sleeplessness/Insomnia, due to different reason and with different set of symptoms (No side effects or interaction with conventional drugs):-
Sleeplessness during menopausal stage Senecio Aur 30X, 4 hourlyCannot sleep in the early hours of night; utterly wide awake, mind active; sleeplessness due to excitement Coffea Cruda 30X 6, hourly Cannot sleep after 3 A.M.; sleeplessness due to mental strain or sedentary habits; sleep dreamy and restless Nux Vomica 30X, at bed times for 7 daysDue to fear or panic; insomnia after shock or fright; restlessness and tossing in bed Aconite Nap 30X 4 hourlyDue to tiredness; either physical or mental; bed feels too hard; must keep moving in search of soft portion for relief in bed Arnica Montana 30X or 200X, 1/2 hourly (3 Doses) Sleeplessness after midnight from anxiety and restlessness; has to get up and walk Belladonna 30X, 4 hourly Sleepy yet unable to sleep; child tosses, kicks clothes off, twitches; restless sleep with frightful dreams Arsenic Album 30X or 200X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)Sleeplessness and restlessness; specially in first part of night; gets up and walks on the floor, as soon as the bed time comes patient is wide awake Chamomilla 30X or 200X, 4 hourlySleeplessness due to old grief; after dreams of thieves or robbers Natrum Mur 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses) Sleeplessness due to sudden shock; disappointment Ignatia 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses) Feels sleepy but cannot sleep; clocks striking at a distance keep him awake; bed feels hot; moves about in vain to find a cool spot in bed Pulsatilla 30X or 200X, 4 hourly Restlessness during early part of sleep; sound sleep when it is turns to rise; gets too hot in bed; throws off covers, gets chilly and puts them on again; puts arms above the head during sleep Opium 30X or 200X, 4 hourly Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine Take Care and God Bless you.
the one that makes the butterfly fly around in your head at night. and the white night was talking backwards!! remember waht the door mouse said! free your head! freee your head!!
if you watch tv before you go to bed...put the tv lower than eye level, then you are keeping your eyes semi- closed! Stupid? maybe, but im out by Letterman's top 10.
Benadryl or Tylenol PM. They work!
Melatonin is very safe and inexpensive.
I agree with the above - my unk is a doc, he said benedryl - funny, I just took one!The PM's sometimes leave you feeling funny the next day, but, they do work - benedryl - no morning fuzziness
Sweet dreams!
The best idea of trying to get a decent night's sleep without relying on over the counter sleep medication is to:
1) Avoid drinking caffeine drinks before 4PM.2) Smoking will not help as it has nicotine will keep your mind running, without a break3) Have a good hot bath before bedtime, prefer to use anything with lavender in bath soap, lotion, bath or shower gel.4) Read a good book until your eyes feel tired.5) More importantly, THINK HAPPY thoughts, never think about anything that makes you angry or worried ~ does it help you sleep if you feel worried or angry?It can become an addiction if you start using 'sleep medication once, and you will rely on more, just to help you sleep every night. Not a smart move!Good luck, my friend
Take a look at the ingredients on any OTC sleep aid. You will find that virtually all of the PMs have the same active ingredient as Benedryl. They just have acetaminophen or other pain relievers along with it. Benedryl will make you sleep better, but they do cause a fuzzy morning.
I very seldom use anything to help me sleep but there are some nights that I feel that I need something. My husband needed something to help him sleep about a year ago when he hurt his back and he bought some of the PM Goody's Powders ( they are like the BC Powders that have been around for ever). One night I was feeling bad and was aching all over so I took one and I went to sleep and did not wake up all night..usually when I feel like that I will toss and turn all night. Now when ever I feel that I need something I will take one. The directions say to take 2 powders but I only take one and they work great for me.
Melatonin works wonders for my son and for me!
tyenol pm..I take one every sunday! i don't like my work place!
benadryl keeps me can in some people and most of the otc sleep aids are the same chemical as benadryl. Melatonin is good but not if you are young. when you supplement your body with any hormone your body over time may lessen how much it naturally produces because it doesn't have to any more. but as you grow older your natural levels of melatonin drop so if you are over 30 then go ahead. My herb of choice is valerian root. It works super well especially if you just can't slow your brain down enough to fall asleep. Calcium/Magnesium supplements are good too. Warm milk and a turkey sandwhich work too..warming the milk activates the tryptophane in the milk and turkey is chocked full of tryptophane (that is why people feel drowsy after a big turkey dinner.well that and the starchy overload). and tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin which converts to melatonin as you are falling asleep.
I took tylenol pm for 2 years and HATED the fact I was hurting my liver and waking up 'drugged'.I started taking MELATONIN last week and WOWWIE! It's fabulous, fast acting, safe, and cheap! RESTFUL SLEEP TOO!!MELATONIN ROCKS!! :) Try it!!

What's the best natural way to get rid of excess fluid/water?

Massive swelling in both feet and ankles. Caused by a medical side effect of Naproxen. I'm allergic to most medications.
Poor you!! Oh the dangers of conventional drugs!
First of all, take Arnica 30c - a homoeopathic remedy that I'd always give as first port of call after someone has bad reactions to drugs. Take it twice a day for 3 days.
Along side, eat plenty of fresh fruit %26 veg as they are rich in potassium which will rebalance the sodium %26 take the water with it. Do drink plenty but not to excess.
Dandelion leaf tea or tincture is a wonderful diuretic (remember how you might have learned that picking dandelions as a child make you wet the bed? Well, I remember being told that %26 it's because of the diuretic properties of this plant.) Take 1ml 3 times a day if using the tincture.
Take vitamin B6 which is a natural diuretic.
Celery seed extract - one capsule twice a day. Celery is a natural liver %26 kidney cleanser.
The herb Gota Kola stimulates circulation in the lower tissues and improves lymph drainage. Take up to 500mg twice a day when symptoms are acute.
Sodium sulphate is a problem fluid remover - take 200mg 3 times a day.I've listed a few things here - not to suggest that you take all of them at once but whatever you choose, do take the Arnica alongside. Keep your feet elevated %26 do some gentle walking. A gentle massage of your feet %26 legs in an upwards direction Will also help.As you say you react badly to drugs - please try Homoeopathy for your future health care - lovely %26 gentle without side effects at all. go to to find a practitioner local to you.
Best wishes
I know it's going to be harsh going down but try Bragg's apple cider vinegar. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day with an 8 ounce glass of water, it works!!
drink more water and put your feet up
lemon juice added to water acts as a natural diaretic. I kow it sounds silly to add water when you already swollen, but I works to get your kidneys working to fluch out the excess.
First off, if your symptoms don't improve, please see a doctor. Swelling isn't anything to be sniffed at. That said, I would recommend drinking lots of water (encourages water circulation and excretion) and keeping you feet elevated over your heart. Edema can be really uncomfortable. Also, please talk to a doctor about discontinuing Naproxen and trying alternatives. It sounds like it is really not working for you, but I am NOT a doctor and this does not constitute medical advice.
they say cranberry juice is good or raspberry try them together ocean spray does a nice one
Just a side note to counter Paula's answer...I drink cran-ras juice, and I made a study of the brands available to me. Read the labels. The brand I get is Northland. It's 100% juices with no added water or corn syrup. Ocean Spray, on the other hand, uses both water and corn syrup to dilute its juices.As for the water retention, I think I've found that most any tart or sour juice will work to some extent...the lemon and cranberry already mentioned are great suggestions. I dunno about the raspberry, which tends to be sweet. Traditionally, herbal medicine quotes raspberry juice for female problems.
the herb horse chestnut and chomping on celery sticks. although celery is a source of sodium it still lowers blood pressure because it is a diuretic
cut down on salt and drink distilled water 1/2 your body weight [lbs] in ounces of water a day. there are natural diuretics that will say on the bottle conveniently herbal diuretic but you should go see your doctor and find out why you are retaining the fluid but you may want to first try cutting out salt and switching to distilled water to see if that helps. Distilled water doesn't have the many minerals that are in regular water so it can absorb and flush out any excess stuff in your body like toxins and excess salt and stuff
DONT DRINK MORE WATER, My mom has the same problem and i told her to drink lots of water (thats what they told me in health class) but it didnt work, just made it worst, it could be a more serious problem, go to a doctor!
If the swelling is drug induced, I agree it is a potential side effect of all NSAIDs, not just naproxen, and you are unable to do without them, you do indeed have a problem.I suspect the only management will be to use prescribed diuretics, which can have their problems as well. Bendroflumethiazide is gentle and tends not to send patients rushing to the loo, however it may cause low potassium.Small doses, 20mgs, of furosamide don't tend to do this but the drug is rapid onset and does produce urgency. I doubt unfortunately that any of the herbal diuretics will be adequate.
Tea is one of the best diuretics, also put a few chunky books under the legs at the bottom of your bed. It will elevate you feet above your hips and help reduce the swelling. Hope you get better soon. Good luck.
Cut down on salt intake. Try natural diuretics like asparagus.
You'll probably need conventional treatment or different analgesia if the problem doesn't resolve.
Drink Nettle tea - it is a natural diuretic and does not contain anything except nettle.
I don't really know but I do know that salt makes you retain water. and also make your kidneys have to work quite hard so maybe being really careful about salt intake would help.
There are herbal combinations sold in capsule form that work very well ..You would have to check it out i am sure there are several types.

What's the best home remedy for runny nose and sore throat?

I've already had chicken noodle soup and it didn't help. I need a quick and effective way to cure me. Thanks a lot.
Onion syrup (It actually tastes pretty good)Cut an onion into small pieces. Cover with honey (sugar works too, but the honey is more therapeutic and soothing to sore throats). Let it stand for about two hours (preferably covered). Take the syrup that results by the teaspoonful as often as required.
Hot tea with honey and/or lemon
Nyquil's pretty good, also that theraflue stuff---dries you up and puts you to sleep
Keep eating chicken soup
Vitamin C--supplements or OJ, green leafy veggies, etc.
Echinasea--supplements, tea, etc.Vicks (any form will help the runny nose)
Vitamin C drops and Cough Drops for the sore throatIf it doesn't go away soon, you may need to see a doctor. My daughter just had strep throat--and needed to take antibiotics for 10 days.
Keep eating the chicken soup.
Gargle warm salt water to soothe your sore throat.
drink tea or warm water with honey and lemon. (if you're feeling achy and having trouble sleeping you can add a shot of whiskey or brandy to the tea)
drink a tea made from thyme, lemon (use the pulp and rind), and peppermint. it's an acquired taste, but it works.for your runny nose, you need a neti pot to flush your sinus cavity.
use warm (but not too warm) water with a little salt in it in the neti pot to flush your sinuses and reduce swelling in the nasal cavity. yes, you're pouring water up your nose and no, it's not as bad as it sounds (just don't use cold'll get the feeling you get when you get water up your nose @ the pool) your symptoms don't resolve in a few days, call your doctor, you may have something that needs to be treated with
hope you feel better!
Wild Oil of Oregano from health food store.It is the best on the market.


For general fatigue and stress, B vitamins are best - they help control your nervous system and build your adrenal glands which help supply energy. You lose B vitamins with ongoing stress, so building them up again is important. Spirulina, Chlorella are 'algaes' extremely high in B vitamins and available at health food stores in powders and tablets. Also both are high in plant protein. B vitamins also help to keep you feeling balanced. As far as herbs go, Ginseng is known for help in the fatigue area, I prefer American Ginseng. All of these are affordable as well.
The best available product, in my opinion, is a glyconutrient product called Ambrotose. Glyconutrients work on a cellular level, providing each individual cell with the glyconutrients they require in order to function at optimum level. They therefore boost overall health and wellbeing, including improving energy. Katie
Vitamin B
Coix fruit but the only source in the USA is from Sunrider International in its NuPlus. This product is eaten by Olympic athletes and they swear by it.
Iron deficiency causes fatigue.
Hi Jim, yes vitamins are best - they help control your nervous system.
Vitamin B1 Helps release energy from carbohydrates and nervous system function. Their sources are: Brewer's yeast, wheat germ/bran, whole-grain cereals.Vitamin B3 Needed for nervous and digestive system functions;essential for protein and carb metabolism. Their sources are: rice bran, nuts, sunflower seeds, brown rice.

Also, Kava kava is used for treating anxiety, promoting sleep.The extract of valerian has been the treatment of choice for anxiety and insomnia throughout the world. It is a sedative and painkiller. Helpful in treating insomnia. Valerian root taken at bedtime aids in preventing panic attacks at night.Borage juice exerts a specific, stimulating effect on the glandular system. It also acts as a general tonic and purifies the blood. Take 1 tbsp. with water daily for two weeks.Bugleweed: Soothes your nerves. Make an infusion using one teaspoon of herb and one cup boiling water. You can also add lime or linden flowers to the infusion.Chamomile: A gentle nervine. Also helps settle an upset stomach. Boil one ounce of blossoms in one pint of water for fifteen minutes; strain and add honey to taste.
Jason Homan
you can go for XX or XXX or nutrilite daily and BIO C and Iron Folic of the best brand in ASIA as awarded by READER DIGEST with global turnover of usd 4 billion
I would recommend this B-Complex with its patented folic acid release coating And the Stress Relief Complex
Optimum nutrition in necessary to which sould include 23+ vitamins and minerals from natural source if possible. Try
Liquid B-12 with Folic Acid
Vemma, absolutely. Write me if you want a source for it.
I take a product called Stress Relief Complex: I find it relaxes and calms me without being also helps me to sleep better.
Try a combination of Isotonix Advanced B Complex and OPC-3. These super-natural supplements will give you more energy and reduce your stress, and much health benefits. You can get them at
www.LiveNowOrNever.infogood luck and shares the good news to others

What's the best full-body detox program you can recommend?

The Master Cleanse aka Lemonade Diet (but it's not a diet!) restored some health issues for me and helped me discover others. There are bookoos of threads about MC at Read what others say about it...and ask them questions! It's a fantastic site! If your immune system has been compromised over the years and you tend to get sick or you just want to be as strong as possible...there are several you should consider. 1. parasite cleanse ( and 2. liver flushes ( - Liver Flush Forum), 3. Colon cleanse (a gentle, potent, and inexpensive who are brainwashed to trust white coats and keep taking drugs will bash your question/our responses...but I applaud you for taking care of the only body you will ever have. :)
eat 20% alcaline forming foods and 80% acid forming foods. i recomend eating like this the rest of your life.
I did the Master Cleanse in January, and the effects have been incredible. I usually suffer from seasonal allergies that are really more like year-round allergies...but my symptoms this year have been a complete non-issue, versus sneezing/wheezing/congestion even with allergy pills, homeopathics, and herbs in years past. My energy has been better, I sleep better, my skin and hair look better (not that they looked bad, but when you see the difference in yourself it's pretty amazing). Plus I lost 12 lbs that I haven't gained back. I have known several other people participate in the cleanse and they have all had similar, all positive reactions. You can read about it at, but I do recommend getting Stanley Borrough's book The Master Cleanser. Good luck!
there are saunas that you can buy that help you "sweat" it out, kelation is also an option
This company has a great colon cleanse and it doesn't cost $100 or more. I have been using their products for a constant 16 years. They also have a nice selection of whole body cleansing herbs to combine with the colon cleanse for a total workout. The benefit of Pomo Valley is they don't advertise and all their labels are "Total Disclosure" labels. The stuff we buy everyday has ingredients in it the manufacturer is not required to list. This company pays extra to be able to tell you there's nothing in their products besides whole food.
"Detox" has been shown in many scientific studies to have no effect whatsoever. (Example: The body is perfectly capable of doing all the detoxing it needs without any extra help - that's why we have a liver! Save your money.
Fasting is the best detox I can recommend. Know how to start your fast and Dos and Donts.Fasting refers to complete abstinence from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose. The word is derived from the old English, 鈥榝eastan鈥?which means to fast, observe, be strict. Fasting is nature鈥檚 oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating disease. It is recognised as the cornerstone of natural healing. Dr. Arnold Eheret, the originator of the musculus diet healing system, describes it as " nature鈥檚 only universal and omnipotent remedy of healing" and "nature鈥檚 only fundamental law of all healing and curing."Fasting in disease was advocated by the school of natural philosopher, Asclepiades, more than two thousand years ago. Throughout medical history, it has been regarded as one of the most dependable curative methods. Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus, and many other great authorities on medicine prescribed it. Many noted modern physicians have successfully employed this system of healing in the treatment of numerous diseases.The common cause of all diseases is the accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the body which results from overeating. The majority of persons eat too much and follow sedentary occupations which do not permit sufficient and proper exercise for utilisation of this large quantity of food. This surplus overburdens the digestive and assimilative organs and clogs up the system with impurities or poisons. Digestion and elimination become slow and the functional activity of the whole system gets deranged.The onset of disease is merely the process of ridding the system of these impurities. Every disease can be healed by only one remedy-by doing just the opposite of what causes it, i.e., by reducing the food intake or fasting.By depriving the body of food for a time, the organs of elimination such as the bowels, kidneys, skin, and lungs are given opportunity to expel, unhampered, the overload of accumulated waste from the system. Thus, fasting is merely the process of purification and an effective and quick method of cure. It assists nature in her continuous effort to expel foreign matter and disease producing waste from the body, thereby correcting the faults of improper diet and wrong living. It also leads to regeneration of the blood as well as the repair and regeneration of the various tissues of the body.Duration: The duration of the fast depends upon the age of the patient, the nature of the disease and the amount and type of drugs previously used. The duration is important, because long periods of fasting can be dangerous if undertaken without competent professional guidance. It is, therefore, advisable to undertake a series of short fasts of two to three days and gradually increase the duration of each succeeding fast by a day or so. The period, however, should not exceed a week of total fasting at a time. This will enable the chronically sick body to gradually and slowly eliminate toxic waste matter without seriously affecting the natural functioning of the body. A correct mode of living and a balanced diet after the fast will restore vigour and vitality to the individual.Fasting is highly beneficial in practically all kinds of stomach and intestinal disorders and in serious conditions of the kidneys and liver. It is a miracle cure for eczema and other skin diseases and offers the only hope of permanent cure in many cases. The various nervous disorders also respond favourably to this mode of treatment.Fasting should, however, not be restored to in every illness. In cases of diabetes, advanced stages of tuberculosis, and extreme cases of neurasthenia, long fasts will be harmful. In most cases, however, no harm will accrue to fasting patients, provided they take rest, and are under proper professional care.Methods: The best, safest and most effective method of fasting is juice fasting. Although the old classic form of fasting was a pure water fast, most of the leading authorities on fasting today agree that juice fasting is far superior to a water fast. According to Dr. Rangar Berg, the world -famous authority on nutrition, "During fasting the body burns up and excretes huge amounts of accumulated wastes. We can help this cleansing process by drinking alkaline juice instead of water while fasting ... Elimination of uric acid and other inorganic acids will be accelerated鈥?. And sugars in juices will strengthen the heart... juice fasting is, therefore, the best form of fasting. " Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements in fresh, raw vegetable and fruit juices are extremely beneficial in normalising all the body processes. They supply essential elements for the body鈥檚 own healing activity and cell regeneration and thus speeding the recovery. All juices should be prepared from fresh fruit immediately before drinking. Canned or frozen juices should not be used.A precautionary measure which must be observed in all cases of fasting is the complete emptying of the bowels at the beginning of the fast by enema so that the patient is not bothered by gas or decomposing matter formed from the excrements remaining in the body. Enemas should be administered at least every alternate day during the fasting period. The patient should get as much fresh air as possible and should drink plain lukewarm water when thirsty. Fresh juices may be diluted with pure water. The total liquid intake should be approximately six to eight glasses.A lot of energy is spent during the fast in the process of eliminating accumulated poisons and toxic waste materials. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that the patients get as much physical rest and mental relaxation as possible during the fast. In cases of fasts in which fruit juices are taken, especially when fresh grapes, oranges or grapefruit are used exclusively, the toxic wastes enter the blood -stream rapidly, resulting in an overload of toxic matter, which affects normal bodily functions. This often results in dizzy spells, followed by diarrhoea and vomiting. If this physical reaction persists, it is advisable to discontinue the fast and take cooked vegetables containing adequate roughage such as spinach and beets until the body functioning returns to normal.The overweight person finds it much easier to go without food. Loss of weight causes no fear and the patient鈥檚 attitude makes fasting almost a pleasure. The first day鈥檚 hunger pangs are perhaps the most difficult to bear. The craving for food will, however, gradually decrease as the fast progresses. Seriously sick persons have no desire for food and fasting comes naturally to them. The simple rule is to stop eating until the appetite returns or until one feels completely well.Only very simple exercises like short walks may be undertaken during the fast. A warm water or neutral bath may be taken during the period. Cold baths are not advisable. Sun and air baths should be taken daily. Fasting sometimes produces a state of sleeplessness which can be overcome by a warm tub bath, hot water bottles at the feet and by drinking one or two glasses of hot water.Benefits: There are several benefit of fasting. During a long fast, the body feeds upon its reserves. Being deprived of needed nutrients, particularly of protein and fats, it will burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysis or self-digestion. But it will not do so indiscriminately. The body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead. The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the brain are not damaged or digested in fasting. Here lies the secret of the effectiveness of fasting as a curative and rejuvenative method. During fasting, the building of new and healthy cells are speeded up by the amino acids released from the diseased cells. The capacity of the eliminative organs, that is, lungs, liver, kidneys, and the skin is greatly increased, as they are relieved of the usual burden of digesting food and eliminating the resultant wastes. They are, therefore, able to quickly expel old accumulated wastes and toxins.Fasting affords a physiological rest to the digestive, assimilative and protective organs. As a result, the digestion of food and the utilisation of nutrients is greatly improved after fasting. The fast also exerts a normalising, stablising, and rejuvenating effect on all the vital physiological, nervous and mental functions.Breaking of Fast: The success of the fast depends largely on how it is broken. his is the most significant phase. The main rules for breaking the fast are: do not overeat, eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly; and take several days for the gradual change to the normal diet. If the transition to eating solid foods is carefully planned, there will be no discomfort or damage. The patient should also continue to take rest during the transition period. The right food after a fast is as important and decisive for proper results as the fast itself.Hope this helps, Good Luck.
Detoxifying your body is great when you have health issues. The body itself is a miracle and when you provide the right nutrition your body will detox itself and you will see long term benefits. However, going through a detox and not changing eating habits will only be a short term answer. You need the best nutrition to help your body maintain that status level and you will see a lot of the health issues reverse or your body manage them better. The nutrition and excersise gives the body the fuel and strength to battle most of the ailments out here today. Nutritional products will not cure your ailments but your body will work harder with better fuel to combat the little buggers away. EAting habits and excersise will play a big role in your continued detox state.

Whats the best alternative treatment for add?

i have ADD but refuse to go down the conventional treatment route as i do suffer with most of the unplesant side effects. Also i believe that alternative treatments are kinder to the body.
I would appreciate some answers too from people who suffer with add %26 what helped them.
Cut out sugar, caffeine, processed foods, and eat only whole foods. Also, Try taking fish oil tablets, about 3,000-5,000 mg a day.
maybe this book might help:
PS%26gt;whatever u do, avoid Ritalin
I recently found that diet has alot to do with A.D.D If you change your diet and eat all natural foods and avoid processed food, that make help alot. I googled it and found alot of info about the type of foods you should eat.

Whats the best all natural way to rid yourself of a sinus infection?

seriously it will be monday before i might be able to see my doc. anyone got any tips that are proven
The best and cheapest treatment is pure water vapor.
You must put a kettle on heat to produce vapor .
Inhale vapor for few minutes .
It will wash your nose and sinuses .
Continue programm for at least 1 per day for 15 days .
I'm a GP but I have treated my sinusitis in that way
off dairy
off wheat
off sugar
homeopathic remedy -
company name: vogel - sinus remedy.
Try to avoid foods that cause mucus such as dairy foods.Also if the pain and pressure get too bad, I always layed in the bath tub with hot water with just my nose sticking out until I felt better.
saltwater rinse of your sinus/nasal it daily and no more sinus infections.
ok this is what my mother's doctor told her to do. Go to the drug store and buy one of those syringes that you suck mucus out of babies noses with.
now get a small glass of warm water mix a tsp of salt and stir till disolved. Then use the syringe to suck up the mixture, lean over sink (get a towel too lol) tilt your head a little to the side then squirt the mixture up into your nose. It should come out the other side... it'll be nasty lol but if you do it at least once a day you should be good. Do both sides too!
How much dairy products [milk, yogurt, butter, cheeze, etc] do you eat?
Foresake it.
Your sinus condition and post nasal drip should completely vanish in 7-10 days.
I no longer drink milk, and I have not had sinus stuff for 10 years.
It works.
I used to be a sinus "cripple" in the winter no regular medicine helped, then my brother told me to put Young Living natural oil Oregano and Peppermint on my skin over my sinuses. I put one for a couple hours and then the other repeatedly for 4-5 days I either smelled like a pizza or a peppermint stick. It is supposed to draw the toxins out that are causing the problem. I have not had a major sinus problem since, now maybe once a year or so if my nose starts to block I just use a spray (nasal saline with 10 drops of R.C. or Raven natural oil) and it clears right up.
Now if you want to do this you may want to dilute the Oregano with massage oil as the Oregano may burn until the toxins are drawn out, also the peppermint vapors will drift into the eyes so be prepared also Don't rub your eyes with the oils on them it will hurt

Whats stronger(makes u higher)vicodien or darveset?

im just wondering cuz my husband used to take vicodens and would get all messed up and now he was subscribed darveset.or however u spell it.i dont like when he gets like that thats y im askin.
Although both are strong, Vicoden seems to have a smaller effect on the body and its actions.
Vicoden was better in my opinion.
Vicoden is stronger by far it has less aspirin containing products in it and vicodin has more hydrocodone. As far as the way he acts thats part of it. MY husband lost his parents, we moved into their house, he broke his ankle playing softball dr put him on vicodin and he realized how good it made him feel at the time and he got addicted. He said it made him forget everything. Now he sits in jail cause his addcition got so bad he beame mean and he went to several emergency rooms pill seeking till the hospital called the police. So yes everything that you put in your body alters your mind! It all has an effect on chemistry and how each one metabolizes it. Good luck
both basicly the same
some chemicals less then the other
but both have same side effects.
try holistic herbs.
I've taken both (because of cancer) and vicoden is stronger.
Vicodin is is much stronger than Darvocet. It's generally pretty hard to find a dr who will even prescribe Vicodin unless you've just had major surgery.Both are addictive if taken long enough. And the time that it take to become addicted vaires from person to person.What is it about his behavior when he is on these meds that you don't like? Does he become agressive? (Most ppl get a "high" %26 very pleasant feeling %26 will usually sleep.)
Vicodin is stronger.
I've been prescribed both after surgeries. Vicodin is stronger but makes me throw up. Darvocet doesn't do much of anything.
To MS: I thought you were a security guard.

What's some great vitamins AND HERBS for nerve repair damage?

let's say you lifted something hurting ur back (not "REAL" bad) . what a good list to go by and take for nerve repair?
Lots of B-vitamins...preferrably 2-3 B-complex pills a day. Maybe someother stuff, not sure. Also consider eating Potassium, Magnesium, and perhaps food with a little sodium.
shortly...1- B vitamin (fish , fish oil for other sources)
2- Apple
I have found Vit B-12 works best for nerve repairs. It is a great nerve tonic and helps in cases like sciatica.

What's Probiotic and Prebiotic??

Sawyer is right!Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that help restore the balance in the intestinal tract, there by aiding normal digestion, supporting the immune system and promoting overall health. Yogurt, kefir and other fermented products are rich in these.Prebiotics help to colonize the friendly bacteria, found in artichokes, oats, unrefined barley. A Precursor to Life.
Probiotic is non-pathogenic bacterium fed to animals, including birds, as a way to prevent colonization by pathogenic bacteriaPrebiotic refers to the state of matter before life existed, but was conducive to the formation of life (the origin of life)
Pro = in favor of.
Biotic = life.
In favor of life.
(such as acidophilus, or as is found in yogurt or kefir).Antibiotic = against life.
(such as penicillin or Erythromycin).
Probiotics - the bacteria that colonise your digestive tract, necessary for healthy bowel function, and also for the provision of some vitamins eg vitamin K.Prebiotics - the food that supports the growth and colonisation of healthy bacteria, such as good quality fibre eg pectin, oat bran, psyllium husks, slippery elm bark.Often probiotics and prebiotics are packaged together so that the bacteria have the food they need to encourage colonisationin the bowel.

Whats more dangerous? Weed or cigerettes?

Need to know
Smoking Cigerettes and Smoking Weed, the common thing in both is SMOKING.
Can't get any worse, or could it.
they're both the same thing, only weed give you a better feeling
well cigarettes because the other is not man-made in a factory by a big MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION.
cigs cause lung and heart disease and weed causes mental illness in later life.
I personally think weed because I would rather have lung cancer than have no brain cells left
I would have to say cigerettes for health (have you any met someone with lung cancer, scary) , Weed for one day turning you into a burn out. Just don't do either.
it is both dangers for health but weed is more dangers, another informaion go on u can perchase many things form this site it is safe
Since you know they are both dangerous,and are questioning the degree of danger, the best answer would be : do not smoke weed and do not smoke cigarettes. Or anything else, in order to avoid any danger from any substance. Be smoke free.
which do you prefer, schizophrenia or emphysema?
Ciggarettes because they contain a lot of chemicals. Weed is just...weed. Ciggs kill 400,000 something people a year, while the amount of deaths due to marijuana smoking alone remain at 0. -_-
Although I do not condone either...I would have to say cigarettes are worse because you smoke them more frequently. However, despite the fact that there are less poisons in marijuana you still smoke it without any kind of filters.
unless the weed is laced with thousands of dangerous chemicals, I should think that its safe. not to mention its what babylon uses to keep the people too doped to see reality, and it doesnt cause religious experiences.
Cigs are because of the health issue with tar and chemicals that is in them. Weed is because of the mind altering effects it has on a person.
Cigerettes are definatly more dangerous, they cause more damage and a hell of a lot faster,You cant O.D on weed, its for medicinal purposes, docters reccomend it, they never reccoment smoking.People die of lung cancer not slight paranoia in later life.
Since I don't smoke, I can only guess. Both are unhealthy. They soothe the "wild beast" in human kind. Cigarettes have preservatives in them, but they are legal for those over 21 years old in most states. Weed is illegal. Even if there are no harsh effects from smoking weed, one may find a policeman around the corner from your present circumstances. Some people find the smoking of cigarettes or weed, very calming. Remember this, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. Peace and God Bless.

Whats is the tube of wax called that you burn in your ear for an ear acheor clean out the inner ear?

I seen it on a tv show.
Ear Candle
I think your talking about ear candles. You can find them at most health food stores. If it is your first time candling, I would suggest using two for each ear so that you can get everything out. Have someone with you while you are doing it so that they can watch the candle so that it doesn't burn down to far. I would also suggest using a paper plate to be between you and the burning candle. Punch a hole in the middle of the paper place and place the narrow end of the candle through the hole. That way, if there is any debris that falls, it will land on the plate. Hope this helps.
This site has ear candles: http://www.vitaminproshop.comAlso, hydrogen peroxide in the ear is helpful. Tilt your head and put in a few drops. It will bubble away for quite a long time (depending on how much ear wax is there). Then tilt your head the other way and let it drip out.
Be careful with these. I have used them before and they have been successful but the key is to have someone to do it with. I have done it alone and caused damage to my inner ear, as some wax melted back down the candle and over my ear drum. It caused an echo type feeling in my ear and had to visit a doctor for the problem. They work great but use them cautiously!
Ear candles are a hoax:
Candling, or an ear candle.
ear wax candle. i have used it many times it works awesome! just be sure to have someone help you and be very careful!

What's good herbal or traditional medicine for heartache?

how to improve heart pulses and heart health? how does it hurt often?
Could you be more specific??
Well your question seems to have a lot of questions in it :o). I am a Homeopathic Practitioner and yes there is one such remedy which has proven its worth in all kinds of medicine for the heart and its worth its weight in gold literally and the remedy is infact Gold, AURUM METALLICUM it has been used in heart medicine for a very long time and in Homeopathic potency it cures depression(Heartbreak),negativ... thoughts, suicidal depression, the sense of worthlessness, so fast and so effectively that you will be amazed and its totally non addictive and free of side effects and does not causes any complications. I would suggest that you get t in 30C potency and take it three times a day half an hour before or after meals, take it for three days and let me know if what I have said above about this remedy is Wrong ! :o) Wishing you the best of Health.Take Care and God Bless you !
Thanks for the Thumbs Down, whoever you are, God Bless you too.
1. Reishi Gano (RG) is a kind of mushroom essence (Ganoderma Lucidum) containing polysaccharides, adenosine, triterpenoids, protein and fibre. The Ganoderma Lucidum used are harvested from a 90-day old red mushroom. Daily intake of RG assists in the maintenance of general well-being.
2. Ganocelium contains Ganoderma Lucidum. It is different from RG that the Ganoderma Lucidum used are harvested from a 18-day old Mycelium of Ganoderma Lucidum. The mycelium are rich in polysaccharides, adenosine, organic germanium, triterpenes, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. It has excellent effect in improving the general well-being.

Whats going on? :S This is weird.. (2 things)?

I am 16 years old and I just finished my period a few days ago.. But today when i wiped myself I found traces of blood. This is gonna sound so gross and weird (but I dont care because its MY body) but I got a small mirror anc checked myself out. There are no cuts or anything, and i can still see my hymen (so its rupture cannot be the cause). So what could it be? And no I cannot be pregnant, I am a virgin.But something else caught my eye. The hymen is supposed to be attached to the lower part of the vagina right? (as in towards the anus).. There was something else poking out of the other end, the one towards the clitoris. It LOOKED like the same material as the hymen but it was bigger and kinda poked out of the vagina, so I don't think its a septate hymen. What is that? ;S
Go see your doctor, ASAP. There shouldn't be anything poking out of your vagina. If you tell the appointment maker over the phone that it's an emergency, that you see something hanging outside of yourself, they'll get you in that day. (Oh, and there's probably nothing wrong with you...your vagina is a wondrous cleansing machine and is awfully adept at flushing out anything that doesn't belong. But still...)
It is normal to still have traces of blood left over after your period initially ends. The other question I don't know what you mean?
Yu werent finished with your period and tell your mother

Whats another name for healthy drugs?

As in prescription drugs.
Example-tylenolis there a specific name for them
Hi D, only natural vitamins and minerals, I can consider as healthy drugs. Also natural oils, teas, juices, other herbs, which help to support your healthy organism .
Jason Homan
I would never say they are "healthy". Do you mean over the counter? Drugs are drugs and should be treated as such.
There is no such thing as a healthy drug. All drugs can be harmful if misused. e.g. prolonged usage of tylenol can cause liver damege.
pharmaceuticals? medicine?drugs arent healthy, and can actually make you sicker. medicines should only be taken by prescription from a MD.
Holistic medicines or herbal remedies.. Maybe not so much Tylenol but things like St. Johns wort. If you are referring to how you would differentiate between a "healthy drug" and an "illegal drug" try using terms like pharmaceuticals or medications.

What's an all natural way to get energy daily.?

Exercise at least 3 times a week.
1. When you first wake up in the morning, do some stretching exercises to get your blood flowing.
2. Then take a shower, this also helps stimulate blood flow.
3. Eat a healthy diet. Carbs in the morning give you energy, eat protein for lunch, and carbs at night help put you to sleep.Good carbs are whole vegetables, whole fruits, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole cereal grains.Bad carbs are most baked goods, white breads, pastas, snack foods, candies, and non-diet soft drinks. There is a BIG difference between the natural, wholesome, 'good' carbs we are designed to eat and the unnatural, highly-processed, 'refined' carbs so many of us consume on a daily basis!
Daily exercise - at least 30 min.
I agree with the others. exercise and eat right.

What's a natural way to ease/cure stomach ache?

i probably should have taken better care of my tummy last nite. i had some apple pie thing i bought, 4 big walnut biscuits,3 shots of cognac and a mug of water. an hour later i also had some ginger drink coz i knew something was coming. anyway, went to sleep and woke up an hour later with some pretty nasty stomach pains. i got up and tried to do a yoga stance i know that cures indigestion. seemed to help, then i went to the toilet which wasnt too excruciating.anyway, just wanted to ask if anyone has extra ideas. obviously we cant do them all at the same time otherwise it will do more harm than good. i'm thinking peppermint, ginger or chamomile tea, the yoga twist stance on both sides (sorry but i forgotten the name) and maybe some charcoal from burnt toast later.good day~
After a "good supper feast"--fat-laden, or too many rich foods, and large quantity--the stomach may ache for two reasons: 1) overstressed muscles due to an inappropriate digestion, or 2) a gallbladder over-reaction because of the so fat-laden food content.In either case, you'll do good if you try a stomach relaxing tea, such as Basil in combination with Chamomile and Peppermint. And always have at hand a Bromelain (enzyme) nutritional supplement. You can take up to three capsules with the suggested tea.Believe me when I tell you that this tea will do you far more good than Milanta, or Peptobismol, etc.Good luck! :)
try peppermint.its supposed to soothe stomach aches.
The best thing I know for digestion difficulty is fennel. You can eat them, about 1/4 teaspoon at a time or make a tea using about 1 teaspoon per cup of water and steep for 5-10 minutes.Your tummy ache may have been from the apple pie thing alone. If it was deep fried, that may be your answer. You can't digest deep fried oil, meaning the general public, not just you. I would normally not eat something like that because it gives me horrendous stomach pains. For that, 1/2 to a whole bottle of beer usually works for indigestion caused from deep fried foods (chips, french fries, donuts, those apple pie things, etc.). I imagine that it would taste especially good with donuts. Kidding.If you have plainly eaten too much then the fennel is better because it is less filling than beer and in that case, just chew some. You don't have to swallow the seeds after you chew them, just swallow the saliva infused with the fennel and spit out the chewed seeds.Fennel tea is also excellent for infants with colic, children with tummy aches, and people like us, that sometimes eat the wrong foods and food combinations. If you have stomach flu or food poisoning with nausea, then fresh ginger would be better.Feel better.
Ginger or peppermint will cure you, %26 so will some moderation when it comes to eating carbs, you silly person!
Many people are sufferred with bouts of indigestion. Indigestion occurs due to disordered stomach, which is often irritated by improper foods. Nervous problems are another common cause of gas and indigestion.People with indigestion presents with a number of different symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, upper abdominal pain and flatulence or a sense of fullness in the abdomen after eating food. These symptoms often come on after eating too rapidly or not chewing properly.Emotional upsets and severe mental strain are also common cause of gas and indigestion. Constipation may also interfere the normal process of digestion and often causes gas and abdominal pain.Certain foods may cause trouble. Fried foods often cause gas and abdominal discomfort. Excessive smoking is another cause of trouble. many nervous individuals rapidly gulp down their food and swallow excessive amounts of air as well. Carbonated drinks release a lot of carbon dioxide gas which may produce a sense of fullness in the stomach.Indigestion can be caused due to improper eating habits, eating a lot of fried foods, meat, sweets, heavy foods and overeating, eating incompatible food items, eating at irregular times, eating before the last meal is fully digested, eating very quickly or mixing too many foods in one meal, consuming too much tea, coffee and alcohol, smoking, staying up late, emotional disturbances (stress, grief, anxiety), taking drugs like antibiotics, painkillers and steroids.HOME REMEDIES FOR INDIGESTION * Prepare a m ixture by adding a tablespoon of lemon juice or cider vinegar in a cup of hot water and take it before a meal to prevent acid indigestion.
* Add three drops of garlic oil to an half a cup of Soya oil and rub onto the stomach after food.
* Prepare a herbal tea of mint, raspberry, chamomile and blackberry.
* Drink one cup of ginger tea after meals to promote a good digestion and for heartburn, nausea, etc.
* Mix equal parts of baking soda and water in a glass.
* Take 1 tsp each of mint juice, lemon juice, and honey.
* Peppermint is a good for indigestion. Those who are prone to heartburn may try peppermint tea. It will help indigestion with out causing heartburn.
* Mix 2 pinches of rock salt and 1/2 tsp carom seeds (ajwain). Chew it and drink water for indigestion.
* Mix lemon juice in warm water. Take this three times a day to improve digestion.
* Chewing a small piece of fresh ginger with salt, five to ten minutes before meals stimulates digestion.
* Take equal amounts of ginger powder, black pepper, dried mint leaves, asafetida (hing), anise seeds, coriander seeds, cumin, fennel and common salt. Make a powder by grinding in a blender. Take about 1 teaspoon of this powder with water, twice a day after meals.
* Drinking buttermilk after a meal improves digestion. Roasted cumin seeds and a little salt in the buttermilk enhance its effectiveness.
* Drinking water gives immediate relief to symptoms like wind, distended stomach and acidity.
* Eat half a teaspoon of aniseed to improve digestion.
* Prepare a mixture by adding 5-6 chopped basil (tulsi) leaves, 1/4 tsp sea salt, some black pepper in 3 Tbsp of curd, and eat it. Repeat this 4 times a day for one week for complete reconditioning of stomach.
* Keep a fast to fight with indigestion for complete one day.
* Eat boiled seasonal vegetables, fruits, fruit juices and lemon juice. Spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric, fresh ginger, black pepper and asafetida also improves the digestion.
* Physical exercise, according to the strength and energy of the patient, is beneficial.
* Do not eat while moving or traveling in a car, watching television or reading.
* Do not eat fast food or food that has been cooked in a microwave oven. Eating should not be too fast or too slow and the food should be properly chewed.
* Sleeping during the day, especially after lunch is not recommended, as it produces indigestion.
* The patient should not stay awake late at night and should be free from mental stress, anxiety, fear and grief.
* Grapes also help to improve digestion.
* Pineapple acts as a tonic and relieves much of the digestive disorders. Half a glass of pineapple juice should be taken after a meal in treating this condition.
* The juice of a pomegranate mixed with a tablespoon of honey is valuable in indigestion accompanied by giddiness.
* Carrot also helps to relieve of symptoms of indigestion.
* Boil about 50 leaves of fenugreek (methi leaves) and fry in butter. This helps to relieve indigestion and other stomach disorders.
* Mix a teaspoon of aniseed in a cup of boiling water and leaving it covered overnight. The clear fluid can then be decanted and taken with honey.
You may be able to find what you are looking for at Silky Scents. They have a free recipe section that is easy to follow

Whats a home remady for ?

poisen oak
Oatmeal bath will help with itching but you need to call your doctor. They can give you a prescription for itching that will help 10 times faster.
Poison Oak is a toxic substance that is prolonged by humidity. To alleviate the rash use a corn starch based, or just corn starch, to help in treatment. It will have to run its course, there is no 'cure'.
an oatmeal bath will help ease the itching. try getting some calamine lotion. This will also help. A chamomile tea bath would help as well.

What's a great source of calcium?

so if milk in general is bad for you..what are great all natural alternatives for calcium..aside from pills that claim to be all natural..
The reason why most people favor milk consumption over any other food, having calcium concerns as its main valid excuse, is because they have been brainwashed by the constant advertisements of the dairy industry, and becasue of our biased position on nutrition.Milk could be labeled, in all fairness, as "white poison". Studies abound all over in medical literature of its devastating effects in human organism. It not only causes food intolerance in most adults, but it clogs the arteries, damage the thyroids, causes inflammation, mucosity, stresses the digestive organs, may induce meningitis, may trigger diabetes in kids, and colon-prostate-breast cancers.One glass of milk consists on 8% blood, 13% pus, about 34 naturally-occurring hormones from the cow (its derivatives included), tons of dead and semi-dead bacterias, virus strains, saturated fats, dangerous proteins (like casein and IGF-1), powerful addictive substances (like beta-casomorphine-7), no iron, added nutrients, and a heavy-format calcium which the body can absorb only up to 18-22 %.So, friends, your idea of milk being the perfect food is because of its calcium content? Have you read those medical studies linking milk consumption to joint's cartilage destruction, liver calcification and kidneys lithiasis (stones), and blood hyperacidification? Yes, calcium from milk poses more problems than solutions to the body's strict nutritional economy. In the other hand, there are new studies linking milk consumption to ostheoporosis. Yes, you read it right: OSTHEOPOROSIS!!You should visit this website:, conducted by one of the most staunchest and outspoken milk opponent, highly-reputated biologist Robert Cohen.Where to find calcium then? Did you know that calcium is the most abundant mineral in nature? Every thing we eat from nature has calcium. I mean EVERYTHING! You find it in good amount in almonds, soy, wheat, oranges, celery, all green leaves, all type of beans, whole rice, etc.My 4.5 years old kid was raised without milk, and you have to see him to appreciate his amazing health. Even his pediatrician had to give my wife and I credit for it.Good luck! :)
milk is not bad for you, just drink the less fattening stuff...i drink 1%
Where did you hear that milk is bad for you? Milk is the best thing God ever invented. Milk is also the best source of calcium (other than calcium supplements) around. Unless you are lactose intollerant, you should drink milk. There are very few incidents of milk being contaminated in the US and milk is probably the one product that has remained unchanged over the years. Milk produces strong bones and also is responsible for helping the body grow. If you dont like milk, you can try water and baking soda. Tastes terrible, but also has calcium.
Here are a few natural sources of calcium.
Food Sources of Calcium:
* Almonds
* Asparagus
* Avocados
* Blackstrap molasses
* Brewer鈥檚 yeast
* Broccoli
* Buttermilk
* Cabbage
* Carob
* Cheese
* Collards
* Dairy foods
* Dandelion greens
* Dulse
* Figs
* Filberts
* Green leafy vegetables
* Kale
* Kelp
* Milk (cow %26 goat)
* Mustard greens
* Oats
* Prunes
* Salmon (with bones)
* Sardines
* Seafood
* Sesame seeds
* Soybeans
* Tofu
* Turnip greens
* Watercress
* Whey
* Yogurt
Herb sources of Calcium
* Alfalfa
* Burdock root
* Cayenne
* Chamomile
* Chickweed
* Chicory
* Dandelion
* Eyebright
* Fennel seed
* Fenugreek
* Flaxseed
* Hops
* Horsetail
* Kelp
* Lemongrass
* Mullein
* Nettle
* Oat straw
* Paprika
* Parsley
* Peppermint
* Plantain
* Raspberry leaves
* Red clover
* Rose hips
* Shepherd鈥檚 purse
* Violet leaves
* Yarrow
* Yellow dock
did u know that lettuce has 3X calcium than milk does?
Dairy products r gd sources of milk too, especially yogurt. yogurt has 1.5X calcium than milk does.
if you take a calcium supplement take it seperate from other vitamins and minerals due to calcium interfering with absorption. take it at night.
milk is NOT a good oneI take 4 calcium in morning 4 at nightYou should ask your doc. how much u should take tho
Go with organic milk, it tastes just as good if not better and it is good for you. If not try some other dairy products. Yogurt, cheese, ice cream, etc...
I drink Skim milk-fat free! I also take Viacin Chewable Calcium Chews.
Cow milk is great if you're a baby cow. Anyone who says cow milk is a great drink for humans is totally uneducated. Especially if they're talking about the swill sold in stores today.Fact: The top five countries that consume milk also have the top five highest rates of osteoporosis.The best source of calcium is where the big herbivores get it from: Green leafy vegetables.
Humans are the only species that drink milk after the weening stage of life. And on top of that, it's not even human milk, it's cows milk, etc. Cows milk is geared to provide nutrition for a calf that grows 4-times the rate of a human. The best source of calcium is best that comes from nature, not synthetic man-made chemicals which you will find in 99% of supplements. Example: Calcium Carbonate is actually crushed up limestone. Other synthetic forms include calcium citrate, calcium glutanate, calcium sulfate, calcium phosphate, calcium chloride, calcium aspertate etc. THESE ARE CHEMICALS. You will never find any of these isolated synthetic chemicals in ANY of the food you eat. To find a FOOD SOURCE calcium that is 100% free from any chemicals. The best way to find out is look on the label of those so called natural supplements. If it says calcium then has () after with a word from above, that's a chemical name. Don't take it. Try Grown By Nature. Their calcium comes from a food source as found in Nature not in a lab.

What's a good substitue for cigarette rolling paper?

Rice paper, but there isn't any glue strip, you have to twist to keep it closed.
bible paperno, really. it is just like it.
tampon paper..the paper you get tampons in is the same thickness and like cig paper...and is cleaner.
The Jamaicans roll a mean brown paper back cone joint.
The paper that a tampon is wrapped in. The cardboard one are wrapped in paper, plastic tampons is plastic. Use the cardboard. Works great!
Yeah, bible pages do pretty good, and they are plentiful. I've used them before.

Whats a cure for hearburn i can find around the house?

somone said vinigar one time does it really work?
Baking sodaHeartburn is caused by excess acid. Vinegar is acidic, will just make it worse.Level tablespoon, (depending on your weight) in a 12 oz glass of water. Stir, drink, ahhhh...relief!
no haha...I always drink just a ton of water
7up with baking soda
Baking soda
That depends on what you have around your house. Ginger works.
a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water . works like a charm.
What the heck are "hearburn" and "vinigar"?
Milk or Baking Soda in water. Good Luck!
Yep, vinegar burns going down but it does the trick. Anything with lots of calcium may do good, too...You can also just... not eat or drink what gives you heartburn.
Ginger tea. Chop up some Ginger and boil it in hot water and drink it. If its too strong for you mix up with some honey.
Another vote for baking soda. But I think it better for you to just drink a lot of water.
Vinegar and baking soda mixed. The fizz beaks up the gas that is causing the heart burn.
Try this site there are several. Most of them do mention the vinegar you asked about.
Soda is alkaline, the enemy of acid. Try a little (Baking) soda in a glass of water. Stir it, of course. If it persists - see a doctor. Vinegar? Crikeys! That IS acid.
baking soda and watervinegar is used to see if your not producing enough acid.
take one tsp. of vinegar and swallow it , if your stomach settles down and heartburn goes away you may not be producing enough acid to digest your food properly
Pepto Bizmol.... if you have it. Nausea, HEARTBURN, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, Hey Pepto Bizmol! LMAO! Wtf?
I'd buy fire-proof And when your ears stop burning, go back to school for capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. I think third grade would be a good start.
mixing baking soda with water will help for sure...may make you burp! Also, milk may help decrease the acidity in your stomach. Wait a few hours after eating before you lay down, but if you do keep your head elevated. This will prevent the acid in your stomach from coming up into the esophagus...which causes heart burn.
Milk or ICE CREAM!!
Treat Heartburn with DGL Licorice: DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice is an excellent natural alternative to antacids. Licorice has been shown to stimulate the protective mechanisms of the stomach. It stimulates growth of protective mucosal cells, providing a protection from corrosive stomach acids. In addition to treating heartburn, licorice also inhibits the growth of potentially harmful intestinal bacteria.
Treat Heartburn with DGL Licorice: DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice is an excellent natural alternative to antacids. Licorice has been shown to stimulate the protective mechanisms of the stomach. It stimulates growth of protective mucosal cells, providing a protection from corrosive stomach acids. In addition to treating heartburn, licorice also inhibits the growth of potentially harmful intestinal bacteria.Treat Heartburn with Slippery Elm: Slippery elm, of the elm tree family, contains a gel-like subtance called mucileg that helps coat the throat. When you have heartburn, eat all natural slippery elm lozenges for fast relief.Treat Heartburn with Aloe Vera Juice: The aloe vera plant has been used for ages due to its natural healing qualities. Europeans have traditionally used aloe vera juice as a remedy for heartburn.Treat Heartburn by Avoding Eating Before Bedtime: Your stomach may not be able to have enough time to digest your foods before you sleep. In addition, laying down may make it easier for stomach acids to come back into your esophagus, which will cause heartburn.Treat Heartburn by Avoding Triggers: Many specific types of food can cause heartburn. Avoid foods that you notice trigger heartburn and also avoid alcohol, spicy foods, fatty foods, citrus fruits, carbonated beverages etc. (refer to the list of common hearburn causes above).
Lying on your left side can help relieve heartburn. It keeps the stomach below the esophagus, helping to keep it acid-free.Sip 1 Tbsp of raw apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water while eating a meal. Don't drink any other liquids with meals.Try Raw Potatoe juice. Don't peel the potatoe just wash it and put it in the juicer; mix it with equal amounts of water. Drink immediately.Papaya seeds work wonders with digestion as well.
First of all, Know yourself. Second, check your diet. Third, since this is the Alternative Medicine section -- if yours is an on-going problem, see a physician, especially an N.D.(Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine).These aside, go to the Mint Family of plants. Specific to your condition would be the Peppermint, and especially the great Spearmint.
Heartburn is felt as a burning sensation behind the sternum or in the epigastrium. This is probably the result of regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus and irritation by the hyperacid contents causing burning sensation behind the sternum. This is associated with water brash and pyrosis.Acidity cause reflex hyper secretion of alkaline saliva, which collects in the esophagus and is subsequently regurgitated in to the mouth without any effort for vomiting. This is commonly associated with duodenal ulcer.Some people are more susceptible than others to acidity and heartburn as they have problem in digesting some foods.Normally the stomach secretes an acid, which is essential for the digestion. This acid helps in the breakdown of the food. When there is excessive secretion of this acid by the stomach it results in heartburn.Pregnant women suffer from heartburn as the uterus presses on the digestive tract as the fetus grows. Increased acidity with regurgitation causes some amount of oesophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), which increases the sensitiveness. Acidity causes reflex increased secretion of alkaline saliva, which accumulates in the esophagus and is rushed into the mouth without any sensation of vomiting.HOME REMEDIES FOR HEARTBURN
* Almonds are also a good source for relieving the heartburn and acidity. Eat several almonds when heartburn symptoms persist.
* Lemons also help to prevent heartburn. Cut a lemon into thin strips and dip in salt. Eat before meals to prevent heartburn.
* Take some mint leaves and chop these and then boil in a cup of water and sip slowly after meals. If a person drinks Fresh mint juice every day he will never experience acidity.
* Jaggery or gur taken after every meal also helps to reduce the acidity. Keep a piece of gur in the mouth and slowly suck it till acidity decreases.
* Eating bananas is also helpful in preventing the symptoms of acidity and heartburn. To prevent acidity it is advised to eat a banana daily.
* A mixture of 2 tsp of natural apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp raw honey in a glass of water before meals fights with acidity.
* Basil (tulsi) leaves helps to get relief from burning, nausea and gas. Chew some leaves of tulsi to decrease the acidity.
* Coconut water 4-5 times a day decreases the symptoms of the acidity and the heartburn.
* Harad (Terminalia chebula) if taken after every meal prevents the symptoms of the acidity.
* 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice helps to prevent acidity and heartburn.
* Boil one cup of water. To this add 1 tsp of Aniseed (Saunf). Cover and leave overnight. Strain the water in the morning, add 1 tsp of honey. When this is taken 3 times a day it prevents acidity.
* To 1 陆 liters of water add 1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera). Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Sip while warm. Take this liquid 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days. It will decrease the acidity.
* Take a glass of water, add a pinch of baking soda and drink it. It gives immediate relief from acidity.
* Take a glass of warm water, add a pinch of hing (asafoetida) and have it every morning to prevent acidity.
* Never smoke before or while eating. Smoking often causes one to swallow small amounts of air, which form air pockets in the digestive tract with the added pressure of food.
* Go for a small walk after eating, which will help stimulate the digestive system.
* Refrain from consuming alcohol, caffeine, over-the-counter pain relievers, and other stimulants.
* Increase more fibre in your diet. This will naturally helps to relieve the future suffering. Bulk foods help to absorb excess acid and gas, and allow your body to rid itself of toxins more quickly.
* Drink 8-10 glasses of water.
* Put a tablespoon of baking soda into a cup of water and mix it good then drink it.
* Keep 10-15 raisins in your mouth. Do not chew. Let them be there. Swallow the saliva secreted. Burning sensation will stop in about 5 minutes.
* Eat lots of raw broccoli to kill heartburn.
* Mix a little bit of salt and sugar on your hand and eat it.
* Take one teaspoon of mustard if you have heartburn or indigestion.
* Chewing bubble-gum also disappears the acidity. This is an easy and best way to get rid of Acidity.
* For heartburn drink a teaspoon of vinegar. It is because there is not sufficient acid in our stomach to digest food properly, thus gasses come back up and burn our stomach.
* Calcium also helps to fight with the heartburn and acidity. Yoghurt or ice-cream gives immediate relief from acidity and heartburn.
* After food maintain an upright posture to prevent the reflex and to prevent the symptoms of acidity.
* Sleep with your head and shoulder on a high pillow for elevation.
* Do not skip meals. Do not keep large gap between meals. This produces gas / wind.
* Eat dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed.
A teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.Follow up with some peppermint tea to cool the stomach if it is still burning. If just sore and nauseous, make a tea of crushed ginger and hot water with honey.
Depending on your blood type, vinegar might work for you. But, it must be organic raw apple cider vinegar-Braggs is a great brand that contains what is known as "the mother". If you are blood type A-as I am-your body does not digest well, especially protein.The heartburn you feel is actually gasses being formed from undigested food.Vinegar is an acid and will help in the digestive process. It works beautifully for me and it comes with many other healthy benefits as well. Good luck!
Believe it or not straight lemon juice. Heartburn occurs due to acid production in the gut. If you take an ounce of straight lemon juice your stomach will shut off its on production of acid. It works almost immediately.

What would qualify as a decent hangover cure? And don't say a greasy fry-up please.?

Berocca. Amazing stuff. Buy it from Boots (or anywhere with a pharmacy)
Lots of water, a couple Excedrin, an ice pack for the head and time.
Sleep + water
2 pints of Stella
Black coffee, dry toast and a ***...kill or cure i'm afraid. good luck!
that was f a g by the way
lucozade,or hair of the dog
you need to replace fluid, sugar and salts, so juice with toast and jam and butter.
Home-made banana and honey milkshake.
Promise xx
Nothing beats having a bit of the hair of the dog that bit you..that and a couple of aspirins. Other then that, you just might have to ride it out and moderate yourself next time :)
before you drink take a couple of "chaser pills" they are sold in wal mart , some grocery store, drug stores. If its too late for that. alka selzer, gatorade. if all else fails another drink that made you that why
Berocca and Anadin Extra. Then try to got some food in you.
hair of the dog
A Mars bar or a Twix, two Neurofen, and a giant mug of strong tea.
I don't drink very much anymore but when I did if I was hungover I'd buy some refried beans on taco chips with melted cheese %26 hot sauce %26 drink a really cold glass of water or pop. Worked everytime %26 I didn't get sick.Another trick that works is to munch on things ever so often the whole time I'm drinking. Nuts especially are good or pretzels.Another good thing is V8 juice with hot sauce added. Stay away from the greasy stuff because often you'll get sick on top of everything else.A walk around the block helps too, to clear the head.
A glass of tomato juice with a tea spoon of Worcestershire
sauce as done the trick for me over many years.
i swear by couple of glasses of milk and something non greasy to eat like a bowl of cereal or dry toast and baked beans. and if you can just some more sleep.
Scrambled eggs on dry toast and some Barrs Irn Bru.
the best is a drink called angus jurus bitter (not sure about the spelling) and no its not alcholic. Its the pink stuff they add to pink champaign. U should be able to get it in any good pub and you have it with soda water. Down it in 1 and with half and hour you will feel much better. Its fantastic.
Some swear by a drink of egg and worcestershire sauce.
Black tea without sugar. if you could add lemon it will be ideal.
A hang over is caused by a sudden drop in sugar (the headache you get) due to the high content of it in alcohol, and lose of nutrients. The best cure is to drink V-8. It has a lot of nutrients lost and helps ease the stomach because it is easy on your stomach.
Prevention is better then cure; don't drink so much, take it easy.

What would help a head cold?

besides medication. any natural things you can eat?
You should take 1000 mg of vitamin c, 400 mg of vitamin e and 15 mg of zinc daily. Will also help prevent colds by building up your immune system.
Taking zinc is said to shorten the duration of a cold. Also there is a gel containing zinc that you squirt into your nostrils. If you do this at the beginning of the cold and continue regularly, it can reduce the severity and duration. Sorry I forgot the name.
I do not know where you live, but if it's close to the beach/sea go there very early in the morning and take a swim make sure you put you head under a few times...after 1/2-1 hour or so come out. For the rest of the day the cold will drain.not a joke this is what we do in the Islands even with babies and the cold just drains out naturally.

What would happen if you snorted hash ?

i want to know what would happen if you snorted hash, its a stoner question :))
You would have some sticky stinky sinuses! Sorry... but snorting hash is like snorting dirt. It'll do nothing, You'll sneeze like crazy, you mught experience pain and bleeding, and you might damage your sinuses, not worth it.
i don't think it would be wise it would stick up in your nasal passages and cause problems just smoke it.

What would be the best home remedies that I can use to cure my cold ?

something like heaps of lemon and hot tea. Eat a lot of garlic etc.Any suggestions ? Any thing that I can buy in a supermarket and without complicated recipes
Zinc tablets; zinc throat lozenges. Cold Ease also works by reducing severity %26 duration of cold.
Sleep with humidifier running in bedroom.
Homemade chicken soup.
4 parts the blackest black tea you can buy
1 part bourbon whiskey, I reccomend makers mark. Irish whiskey also works.
add honey to taste and drink it quickly.
Chicken Noodle Soup is good for a cold and so sprite , I hope you get well soon !
sleep,chicken noodle soup or other soups like a spicy one,hot tea of any kind with lemon, and lots of liquids to drink. perferably tea and water.
Two things: Lot's of fluids (water) and rest. Otherwise you can only treat the symptoms not the cold itself. Whenever unsure, go see your doctor - a real professional.
You're immune system works mostly while we are sleeping, so sleep.
And it works less when you eat sugar. Sugar beats your immune system down and makes you vulnerable to colds.
A lot of vitamn C and water to make your body inhospitable to germs.Good luck
Umcka.You buy it at the health food store and some grocery stores have it.Buy the purple bottle with the dropper,it works best.You won't notice immediate results,but if you take it faithfully,in about two or three days,your cold will be completely gone.If you have an infection it won't work,but it will cure a cold.Try it,it even got rid of my husbands bronchitis without antibiotics.
Sink your teeth in a few lemons.Also, check out something called Lactoferrin..a bovine protein that has emerging health benefits. It can be claimed to be an anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial, along with stopping things such as cancer growth or preventing it per se. Really great stuff.
garlics? yeap it has know to help but the smell is terrible..chicken soup? try mushroom soup! i read somewhere that it's the Japanese mushroom called maitake that works the magic...the easiest way is to take vitamin C...easy to get in the market and any pharmacy..once u realise that ur getting a cold, immediately saturate ur body with vitamin C as it helps to maximise ur immune activity to fight off the infection... or u can simply try Transfer Factor, it works for me!
Vitamin C, lots of water and lots of sleep.
Hi. There are some cold and flu natural remedies in the free report at
There are so many great suggestions already! When you have a cold, you must decide what the nature of the cold is. Example: Sometimes you have a sore throat, feel feverish, and have a headache with congestion that has color. In Chinese medicine, this would qualify as Wind Heat and we use herbs that are cooling in nature and will produce a sweat like elder, echinacea, honeysuckle.If you have a cold with shivers, clear discharge and tightness in the neck, you likely have Wind Cold which requires spicy warming herbs that produce a sweat like garlic, ginger, and green onions.I agree that the common sense stuff like resting and drinking plenty of water will help, and I so believe in Chicken Soup. I have to laugh at these commercials that encourage us to mask the symptoms so that we can get back on the big hamster wheel of life on not miss a single day of work. Definitely rest!

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