Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's your opinion on/ experience with Homeopathy?

After almost 15 years of providing free relief to suffering humanity .. buying remedies out of my own pocket and dispensing to poor deserving humans .. I can testify that it works ..You can take a look at my profile .. my answered questions .. my best answers and then decide if it works or not ..It is my second love in life :)
My cousin went to a homeopath and the results were very impressive, even though my cousin was extremely sceptical and didn't believe for a minute that it could help!I think as with many things, it works for some people, and not for others. Make sure you see an experienced homeopath. Sometimes they give you the pills to take then and there at the end of the session - I'd advise you to refuse and take them home with you instead.
it is a mixed bag. there are lots of nuts out there that have jumped on the bandwagon and want you to chew roots for better health. what are your allergies? if they are sinus related i found a neti pot to help and lots of orange juice. taking vitamin c caps isn't as good as drinking oj.
There are published studies showing homeopathy to be effective in treating people in comas, infants and even animals. Of course, it doesn't work for all people but there is absolutely no form of medicine that is universally effective anyway.
Yes - undoubtedly it works - but it's not easy or something you can DIY. You need to go to a Registered Homoeopath to get the correct treatment. In UK go to http://www.homeopathy-soh.org to find a local practitioner.
Congratulations on choosing Homeopathy nothing works better in my experience, I started using them on a friends suggestions despite being a non believer and the results I got were nothing short of miracles. Its been 20 years now and I have never looked back for me its just Homeopathy which cures all and it has yet to fail for me. I use it for myself my kids and my family young old infants small babies works like a miracle everytime. Go ahead with Homeopathy with totall assurance and your allergies will disappear like magic. You will totally amazed by the results and it works for everyone if prescribed according to the patients symptoms not those of the disease and it will cure you once and for all, No Comebacks, No Regrets, No More Sickness,
AMAZING thats what I call it !
Wishing you the very best of Health.Viva Homeopathy.

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