Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Whats the meaning of this statement:?

"This statement has not been evaluated by the food %26 drug administration (FDA) This product in not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." It is found on all vitamins herbs ect. But another question remains. That question would be: How does the FDA know if something cannot prevet or cure a disease if they won't evaluate it? Does the FDA avoid testing in fear that it may actually be true and they would lose a huge amount of money? There is no doubt in my mind that they will go as far as to arrest someone for making a claim about a product! Especially if the product really does work! They may even have wire taps on some people's phone lines and computer!! People will do anything to get rich anymore and its sad! I don't think the FDA wants people to die! But I do think that they hope alot of people get sick and stay that way To keep people buying pills and making them money!
FDA places that statement on ANY drug or food that has not been thru a 15 year 25 million (almost a year) testing process.By placing that statement, it limits liability for anything that happens to a person.They do not arrest them, HOWEVER they make them PRODUCE all of their RESEARCH, making it public domain, or get HEAVILY FINED.Which in turn allows drug companies to take the research, utilize it save money and charge us more.FDA only wants to recognize drugs from PATENTED and approved drug companies. Any health issue is not at present required to meet the FDA standards,.You want to place blame, place it on the legislators who make these stupid laws that cause so much cost to the drug companies that is in turn passed on to usThey all treat us like we are idiots, cannot do our own research, and decided what is best in the field of vitamins, and herbal remedies. Sore point with me lol
There are thousands of proclaimed herbal remedies, and the FDA is not about to conduct expensive long-term studies on the effectiveness of all these herbs..it's as simple as that.
The FDA places that statement on herbals and other supplements simply to protect people. Those substances haven't been studied and, therefore, nobody knows what they can and cannot do. A manufacterer can say anything about a supplement and people just believe what the label says and they buy it. People don't educate themselves about drugs and supplements. These things are NOT candy and shouldn't be taken as frequently as they are. There are thousands of herbs and other supplements that can cause detrimental health effects and even interfare with prescribed medicines.
To me the "not been evaluated" is a caution because vitamins and herbs sold at nutrition centers and health food stores are not tested for purity or content and some have been known to be harmful and cause problems, especially if taken too frequently or in too large doses."not intended to ,,,,,,,," means that it is allowed for sale as a dietary supplement and any other claims cannot be justified. It doesn't say that the product won't do all those things listed, but that its use is not intended to do all those things.
The FDA is required by law to evaluate the efficacy of drugs but things like alternative medicine, herbal treatments, etc. are not consider medicine here. So the FDA is not allowed to evaluate them. Basically the producers of this product have two options - they can state that it is an effective drug that will cure illness or disease. Then the FDA will check it out. Or you make the claim you posted which basically says that manufacturer is NOT claiming their product does anything to help you. So they make claims and then say they don't stand behind the claims. Be very wary of anything like this.
I think you're onto something. Yes, the FDA is not the innocent party they would like you to think they are. It's all about money.How can you patent chamomile though? You can't. That's why they can't test it, or they won't test it. There's not a surefire way yet to standardize plants. Yes, some herbs you buy say "standardized" but, how much faith do you have in that?One more thing to chew on. Just because the FDA okay's something doesn't mean it's okay for you to consume. How many times through the years has an herb or homeopathic regimen been pulled from the shelves and recalled due to heart failure, stroke, cancer, blood clots, TB, pneumonia, etc... (I'm not talking about those pseudo-herbs, those man made and altered "herbs" that are sold as diet miracles, those are horrible and just as bad as Rx's!) Now how many chemical drugs have been pulled for these reasons? God created herbs for us to use as medicines, and it's our job to be good stewards. Do you ever listen to the commercials for Rx drugs? The list of side effects are horrendous. I think I'd take my chances with the disorder any day.
well the reason that statment is there is because it is not a man made product, and they have not tested it. now they say they dont test herbs and vitimans ect because there is no proof that they provide any benifits and that even if there was there are to many sorces of them out there and that they could never be sure that all the products were the same blah blah blah... the real reason they dont endorse them is just like you said they own stock in all the drug companies and if natural cures were found they would lose tons of money. its the same as the whole government / gas (oil) thing.

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